The Budget Banker*Tina%20Lilly%20Name*png?alt=media&token=f1cef745-3a84-41b1-9a95-c3a590e8df2d*FinalSecondaryBBBlue*png?alt=media&token=c6ed210d-2416-4aae-bfb7-69aff8b7a546
I am ready to help!

About Me

I love to help people on their journey to financial freedom! 
Many years in the banking and finance industry have given me the tools to help you create a money mindset that will empower you to make better financial choices. 
As a Financial Coach at The Budget Banker, I believe everyone deserves to have a wise budget and I will teach you how to create one so that you can live your life's purpose and enjoy the ride!*FinalSecondaryBBBlue*png?alt=media&token=c6ed210d-2416-4aae-bfb7-69aff8b7a546
Let's be in touch!

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